There isnt much out about SE:L yet, it is kinda new, with the newer style of anime drawing, what i like to call "light" drawing, as all the charatcers seem to be made from lighter more vivid colors. It is a great anime to watch alone, and definately not with your parents, as they will yell at you for the PG-15 content (not PG-13) and the way it seems to be completely screwed up, but makes perfect sense at the same time. I would highly reccomend this one to anime lovers. page 1 page 2 page 3 page 4 page 5 page 6 page 7 page 8 page 9 |
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So far what i have that i can put up is a short manga (but very well drawn) which is 9 pages, and i have a gif, and i think a couple of pics, plus i have the scripts (in english) for all 13 layers (episodes). i will be getting more, i broke my rule of waiting until i had tons of stuff stockpiled, but i couldnt wait to spread this little bomb into the world, so enjoy! ^-^ TO DOWNLOAD THE MANGA, READ THE HOVER TEXT FROM THE SMALL PICTURE BELOW SE:L episode scripts |