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|  |  |  | here was my deck, far updated now, and far better. also note that the androids saga is out now! i bought a booster on july 30th, 2001.i got these cards:blue defensive flight,namekian determination,nemakian wrist grab, blue foot smash, android 17s neck hold, namekian defensive stance, black draining aura, android 20s enraged, blue holding drill, black studying drill, saiyan focus, and the rare was android 19s distress. i will be adding and subtracting from the deck soon, will update in 2 weeks |  |  |  |
DECK IDEAS this is the "low income kill all lets get mad and then when he least expects it beg our opponent to have mercy, then while hes not looking blast him with a kamehameha" deck. enjoy, and send your deck designs to be posted on the site, ill get them up approximately two weeks after you send it. be sure to give me the following: NAME AS YOU WISH IT TO APPEAR, HOME STATE AND CITY, AGE, THE CARDS AND QUANTITIES IN YOUR DECK, and finally THE NAME OF YOUR DECK (if any). :) Saiyan Saga Cards Personalities goku 1 goku 2 goku 3 bulma 1 chiaotzu 1 yamcha 1 Dragon Balls earth dragon ball 1 earth dragon ball 4 earth dragon ball 5 blue techniques blue life defense drill terrible wounds the untroubled mind is focused power up! eyes of the dragon blue forward foot sweep green techniques saiyan arm throw gokus suprise attack(foil) saiyan neck hold gokus anger attack(2) gokus physical attack goku body throw saiyan training goku honor duel gokus touch saiyan energy blast gokus energy defence(foil) gokus energy blast red techniques red knife hand red palm heel strike red reading drill orange techniques orange leg sweep orange arm bar orange shoulder throw orange two knuckle punch orange one knuckle punch orange wrist flex takedown orange neck restraints orange off-balancing drill(foil) black techniques black takedown drill black knife hand strike black front kick black axe heel kick(2) Frieza Saga personalities dende the unlikely hero blue techniques time is a warriors tool green techniques just kidding gokus quickness gokus sudden outburst saiyan rapid deflection recoome boom red techniques yajirobes gifting drill red implosion drill dende healing drill red energy disk blasting orange techniques orange planet destruction orange kamehameha attack Trunks Saga green techniques trunks defensive crouch(foil) Burger King Specials krillins trick super saiyan gokus power |
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